Saturday, December 12, 2009


Going to Bangkok on next Monday, i am very excited coz tis is my first time to travel oversea...
Feel blessed coz being selected to go, feel nervous coz represent faculty, and represent UPM is not an easy task for us,hopefully everything going smoothly as expected...

Will update my trip in Bangkok once i come back, see you all and Merry Christmas in advanced.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Purity in their heart is gone...

u knw, sometimes i wonder... why i am nt the one in your heart
u knw, sometimes i wonder... why she or he is nt the one in my heart
u knw, sometimes he or she wonder, why he or she is nt the one in his or her heart

Triangle love or more complicated relationship keep spinning one round to another everyday...
I lost in this jungle recently...and i lost my morale value in love.

People start a relationship so happily but end up juz within several minutes of times...
People start a relationship but he or she seems forget that they still have one in their hands...
People keep falling in relationship trap and sadly to say, he or she is the one who knw the truth behind...
People tend to open his or her relationship...but public nt ready to accept...
People wish to forgt the past...but he or she seems not ready to face the truth yet...
People tend to do backup in his or her relationship...but they nvr knw that one day they might be one of the tyre...

Pure relationship...seems hard to find one likes the water, the air, the soil...all being polluted time by time, day by day, year by year....

[sad mode]

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