Watch movie (iron man) with chiou huah, one of my best friends. We know each other since primary school dy…chiou huah, still remember tat purple ribbon???Haha…juz kidding. She is also my L.O.V.E advisor, thanks for your suggestion and opinion; I think I will think carefully before I make any decision.
This movie is quite good, at least over my expectation. Except for the technical error of the cinema, I think we have an enjoyable day at City Square lol even though juz two of us.
Boring day at home so I decided to watch another movie which I bought last Monday-The slit mouth woman. It is a ghost + scary movie…but trust me, it is not so scary lol.I can’t believe a ghost who doesn’t have any super power and juz using a long scissor can kill so many people, ridiculous! Although her mouth really looks very weird especially when she open it, but if I meet her, I will tear her mouth even bigger…hahaha…
Except for that “scary” movie, I also read a Chinese novel, named “打喷嚏” which written by 九把刀.It looks like a love novel but at the same time it also include some of the adventure and magic features, it make me confuse sometimes…hopefully I can finish it soon so I can make a conclusion to you all.
P/s: Mother’s day around the corner dy, my mum decided to make a party for my
grandma, wow! But I still dunno how to celebrate with her… (Sigh)
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