Thursday, November 20, 2008


Hello to all my friends, for your information, now I at hometown now and I will be here for the next 7 months. It is a great holiday to me especially got more time to rest in my home and regain my energy.However, life seems always polarizing; when you are busy, you are busy till crazy; when you are free, boringness almost kill me, haha…So I think I should start to plan my holiday now including go to apply passport and visit my auntie and uncle in Singapore.Also, I wish to meet my hometown gangs too! Even though Buffy is not around, but still got keoh,hui pin,li yoon,hui qi,shi bin…etc…as a initiator, I think I should take the responsibility to organize a meeting in this holiday (I know many of us always sit in the house and wait for the call…hehe)…

Last Tuesday I bought two books from the Mines Food Fair,which are 爱要一身的惊艳and 世说心语,and coincidently these books are written by my beloved writer-刘庸.I start to read his book since form two, and the way he write, he delivered each single message from each stories really impressed and inspired me a lot. So without a doubt, I bought two of his latest books from the stall although I didn’t have much more money left in my pocket after Johor trip.

I think should stop here and continue my reading dy.Wishing all my friends happy holiday!


1 comment:

  1. 有人说爱情就象在捡石头,总想捡到一个适合自己的,但是你又如何知道什么时候能够捡到呢? 她适合你,那你又适合她吗?其实,爱情就象磨石子一样,或许刚捡到的时候,你不是那么的满意,但是记住人是有弹性的,很多事情是可以改变的,只要你有心、有勇气,与其到处去捡未知的石头, 还不如好好的将自己已经拥有的石头磨一磨!你开始磨了吗?很多人以为是因为感情淡了,所以人才会变得懒惰。错!其实是人先被惰性征服,所以感情才会变淡的。我们总说:「我要找一个我很爱很爱的人,我才会谈恋爱。」但是当对方问你,怎样才算是很爱很爱的时候,你却无法回答他,因为你自己也不知道。没错,我们总是以为,我们会找到一个自己很爱很爱的人。可是後来,当我们猛然回首,我们才会发觉自己曾经多么天真。假如从来没有打开自己的心,你怎么知道自己会不会很爱很爱那个人呢?其实,很爱很爱的感觉,是要在一起经历了许多事情之後才会发现的。或许每个人都希望能够找到自己心目中百分之百的伴侣,但是你有没有想过『在你身边会不会早已经有人默默对你付出很久了,只是你没珍惜而已呢?』


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